The Startup Of You - Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha
The Startup of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha is a short book. It is practical and has actionable advices at the end of each chapter…
2021, Dec 01 — 2 minute readThe Startup of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha is a short book. It is practical and has actionable advices at the end of each chapter…
2021, Dec 01 — 2 minute readWe are all familiar that Hbase is a NoSQL datastore. Let us go one level deeper to understand how it works on a high level. Hbase is a key…
2021, Nov 25 — 4 minute readService Mesh is not new. But it continues to be a buzz word. It sounds quite complex for someone new. So, I intend to break it down (for my…
2021, Nov 21 — 2 minute readGithub Actions provides a way to automate your software workflows. The most common usage I have come across is the CI and CD pipeline…
2021, Sep 06 — 4 minute readI decided to write this blog with Gatsby and run it on Github Pages because I am on a quest to learn markdown and I like the idea of having…
2021, Sep 02 — 3 minute readI started this blog using the template present in the github repository here. The template came with a page where the page lists all the…
2021, Aug 31 — 3 minute readKeep Going by Austin Kleon is a book I admire very much. The author has done what I intend to do in this blog. The book is small. No, it is…
2021, Aug 23 — 4 minute readLet's talk about the shashti vibhakti pratyaya today. This is called the "possessive case" in English. As the name says, it is used to show…
2021, Aug 20 — 1 minute readI completed a course on Functional Programming on LinkedIn Learning and here is what I want to remember from it. What is Functional…
2021, Aug 18 — 5 minute readSEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search engines like Google (with 92+ percent market share) do a lot of preprocessing and prepare…
2021, Aug 16 — 2 minute read